Here is a little bit of my back story. When I was a small child I had lime decease. I don't know much about about it because my mom didn't keep many records. I also know that I was born premature and was in the hospital for many months. We moved around a lot in my early childhood because my dad was in the military.
When I was 15 I was very sick. My mother kept taking my back and forth for almost a year to the Dr to try to figure it out. Finally she took me to Galveston and they diagnosed me the tonsillitis. At 16 had my tonsils and adenoids removed. That was my first surgery, It was very scary. I woke up kicking and screaming not know where I was. On top of that I couldn't find my family. (Found them in the car sleeping)
I met the love of my life at 18 and got married. During my first pregnancy I found out that I was diabetic. At first I started out on insulin. I should have continued to go to the dr after that but I didn't. I got pregnant with my second daughter and diabetic again. (Had my tubes tied a few months later) stopped going after that (Stupid Youth). A few years later I started feeling really down all the time. Not able to function. I started to talk to a friend about how I felt. She told me to go get a meter and check my blood sugars. I started to check several times a day. Most of the time it stayed in the 500-600 range. On some day it said HI: didn't know what that was suppose to mean so I set up a dr appointment. He checked my A1C and it was 12.something. That was really bad. So for the last 12-13 years I have sugar levels under control for the most part. Today A1C 6.6. I think that is pretty good.
From tonsils being taking out to gallbladder taken out back in March of this year. I have had 7 different surgery. In order tonsils and adenoids, 2 c-sections, tubes tied, foot surgery (neuroma), hysterectomy (tumor), gallbladder removed due to it worked only at 3%. And on Tuesday I am going in for a laparoscopic total abdominal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis (basically the removal of my colon and connecting my small intestine to my rectum. I will talk all about it over the next few months and so on.
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